Financial Savings

With many organisations under pressure to reduce costs, the A1 Risk Solutions system makes financial sense!

Tough decisions in business to reduce cost can often be shortlived and invariably mean a reduction in staff.

By adopting better systems and working proceedures, our system has a bigger impact on the financial purse strings long term, year on year and at the same time improving the allocation of resources and staff competency.


  • Reduction in downtime; time spent travelling to and from training venues.
  • Reduction in sickness and abscense, and associated indirect costs.
  • Trainers time updating presentations and sourcing updates.
  • Reduction in staff time creating handling plans and safe systems within the risk assessment process.
  • Cascade / link workers cost reduced.
  • Resources such as training room and other resources could be utilised in other ways as well as income generation for room hire.
The streamlining of systems and processes will ultimately result in financial savings for all users of the system.