Manual Handling Training and Risk Management Solutions
Manual Handling Training and Risk Management Solutions
Manual Handling Training and Risk Management Solutions
Manual Handling Training and Risk Management Solutions
Video Library
Containing more than 300 instructional training videos to support the Safe System and additional reference material, and provide further assistance with training.
The videos act not only as a reference tool but provide users with a concise visual aide to performing specific handling techniques and the use of manual handling equipment.
Each video contains written notes and references to the support information contained within the Safe System of Work Literature.
Additional audio instruction is contain within each video; the demonstrator clearly explaining the techniques they are performing.
Easy Access, Easy to Follow Training Videos!
All the training videos are accessible online via the System where they can also be downloaded to your PC, tablet or smartphone for quick reference when Internet access is restricted.
The video content is designed to apply to various environments but in particularly covering Health, Social Care and Education Sectors.